tiistai 2. huhtikuuta 2013

Jossain ohjelmassa olin

Once again it has been way too long time since my last post, I just pretend to be too busy to have time for blogging. :/ I made tumblr some time a go to try if I have more time for that, not really but here it is anyway lumettavain.tumblr.com
Now to the actual post, here's one of the reasons why I have been so occupied lately..
Finnish internet tv show Neo asked me and my friends Jenni and Laura to be their quests at the show!

Before they started shooting we had a lots of fun (but the actual interview part was horrible, we were so nervous!)

Laura and jenni both had super cute outfits! <3 hehee, I'm so proud of Lauras hair, she asked me to help with it and suprisingly I actually managed to do something with it! :D

The lottery studio was our dressing room! Had to take a pic of Emma winning some yens from lotto. :P

She is also a member of black metal band. ;D

My outfit: dress and bonnet are from Cloudberry Lady shoes are made by Emma (also for Cloudberry Lady) and blouse is vintage.

And here is the show as horrible it is. Yle Neo

torstai 24. tammikuuta 2013


Couple weeks a go my friend Heidi came to spend a weekend with me. We decided to go to one of my favourite fleamarkets here in Hämeenlinna. They have an awesome furniture section there (I wish I had the space for this kind of furniture) and we decided to have little photoshoot there since we both were dressed up.
I wore my new dress I bought from Crème de la Garderobe at Ofelia market and my new handmade bonnet!


Kiitos Emma ja Heidi kivasta viikonlopusta!
Photo credits to Emma! <3