Once again it has been way too long time since my last post, I just pretend to be too busy to have time for blogging. :/ I made tumblr some time a go to try if I have more time for that, not really but here it is anyway
Now to the actual post, here's one of the reasons why I have been so occupied lately..
Finnish internet tv show Neo asked me and my friends Jenni and Laura to be their quests at the show! |
Before they started shooting we had a lots of fun (but the actual interview part was horrible, we were so nervous!) |
Laura and jenni both had super cute outfits! <3 hehee, I'm so proud of Lauras hair, she asked me to help with it and suprisingly I actually managed to do something with it! :D |
The lottery studio was our dressing room! Had to take a pic of Emma winning some yens from lotto. :P |
She is also a member of black metal band. ;D |
My outfit: dress and bonnet are from Cloudberry Lady shoes are made by Emma (also for Cloudberry Lady) and blouse is vintage. |
And here is the show as horrible it is.
Yle Neo